The Importance of Walking your Dog

It’s a sad fact that not all dog owners regularly take their dogs for a walk; an even sadder fact that some owners don’t take them out at all. I saw an article on this recently and I was shocked by the statistics. Here are a few good reasons why it is so important to give your beloved pooches that much needed regular exercise.

Your Dog’s Physical Health

It’s not rocket science, we all know that regular exercise is good for us so it goes without saying it’s also good for our dogs.   It maintains muscle tone, regulates a healthy weight and improves their heart health.

dogs running physical health

Their Mental Health

Similarly we also now know how good releasing those endorphins feels when we exercise.  For dogs it is no different: a healthy body = a healthy mind.

Digestive Health of your Dog

Exercise also aids digestion. It literally gets everything moving. It increases muscle tone and promotes regular bowel movements.

Their Social Interaction

Dogs are pack animals so the more interaction they have with other pooches the happier and healthier they’ll be. It’s a constant learning curve for dogs and they are continuously learning how to behave around other dogs and what is and isn’t acceptable.

dog walkers walking in lake


Dogs who are not given enough regular physical and mental exercise can become destructive, because they get bored. It can also lead to toilet accidents in the home which can become habitual. Walking your dog can also be a great opportunity to practice some training techniques such as lead walking, recall and retrieving a ball or toy.


We now know far more about the incredible bond between dog and human. They are so attuned to us it sometimes feels like they can read our minds. Regular exercise with your dog helps to strengthen that bond.

So come on people, if you love them and want what’s best for them, give them what they deserve – because they really do deserve the very best we can give.

winston dog stamford

Beth and Winston. 🐶

Helen Carline’s first day with us

A huge welcome to Helen Carline and Ralphie the Beagle, and definitely not forgetting Harvi the helper and keeper of the keys – who officially join the Doggone Walkies team today (6th September).

I am so thankful I’ve found such a fab little squad to help me with all our lovely pooches.

Take a look at these photos from their first day, on 6th September.

Helen can be found on Instagram too: @misshelebels

To all Dog Walkers – we are on Google Plus

Hi everyone.  We’ve just had our web team at 79DESIGN create our Google Plus page.  Hopefully it will grow, and people will use Google to post reviews for us.

If you are on Google Plus, please hop over to:, and send us a review.

Our Blog posts will all be going on Google plus as well.

So pop over to see us and let us know what you think.

dog walkers google plus

All the best, Beth and Winston.

Meet Fergus – Labrador puppy

Meet Fergus – Labrador puppy

Hi Everyone,

We, your favourite dog walkers company, hope you all had a lovely Easter and you and your dogs enjoyed lots of Easter treats.

We enjoyed a lovely break away with friends in Norfolk.  Winston had a fab time on the beach and even joined in the children’s Easter egg hunt (although we were careful he didn’t indulge in any human chocolate).

Now that spring has finally sprung we are looking forward to some nicer weather and putting away the wellies and the heavy winter clothing.

We would like to introduce to you our newest Doggone Walkies member: 12 week old Labrador puppy, Fergus.

fergus - dog walkers new puppy

I think we can all agree that Fergus is absolutely adorable and we are very happy to have him and look forward to the beginning of a new doggie story.
Happy Dog Walking to everyone and all dog walkers out there.
Beth & Winston.
Doggone Walkies

New Doggone Walkies Website

Hi, my name is Beth Harvey and I’d like to introduce you to my new website.

I started ‘Doggone Walkies’ in May 2005 and since then the business has grown and flourished.  I have to say I have enjoyed every single day; even on the days that aren’t so great.  Days like the numerous occasions dogs have rolled in something quite disgusting and we all have to travel home with pegs on our noses or the odd occasion someone has an accident in the van.

Yes it’s fair to say I wouldn’t change a single day and I feel very lucky to be doing a job that I absolutely love and honoured that so many people trust me with their treasured pets.

Bad days are rare and every single day the dogs are in my care, fill me with awe and always make me laugh.  No day is ever the same and I am never ever bored. My aim for the future is for the business to expand and grow and to continue to provide a trusted service for my customers and their pets.

I have to thank Simon over at 79DESIGN for helping me create such a fantastic website. His patience and accessibility have been very much appreciated. I also have to thank my beloved dog Winston for being by my side nearly every single day and helping me with all the other dogs with his calm but authoritative manner. He’s my true hero.

Beth & Winston.